Diabetes Liga Onderzoekssymposium

Provinciehuis Provincieplein 1 3010 Leuven België

English version below 

De Diabetes Liga nodigt je van harte uit op het 1e Diabetes Liga Onderzoekssymposium op woensdag 29 november te Leuven! Het symposium voor en door diabetesonderzoekers in Vlaanderen. 

Het belangrijkste doel van dit symposium is het samenbrengen van diabetesonderzoekers in Vlaanderen, ter bevordering van kennisdeling, het smeden van samenwerkingsverbanden en interdisciplinariteit. Bovendien streven we ernaar om (jonge) onderzoekers een platform te bieden om hun recente onderzoeksresultaten te presenteren en bekend te maken. 

Het symposium staat volledig in het teken van het Diabetes Liga jaarthema voor 2023: "Het empoweren van personen met diabetes - een reis die verder gaat dan enkel medische behandeling." Dit thema wordt heel breed benaderd, denk maar aan leefstijl, educatie, communicatie, zelfmanagement, technologie en mentale gezondheid. 

De deelnemers kunnen een boeiende mix verwachten van zowel nationale als internationale keynote sprekers, evenals mondelinge en posterpresentaties (zie het volledige programma). Dit alles wordt gecombineerd met ruime mogelijkheden voor netwerken en interactie. 

De inschrijvingen zijn inmiddels afgesloten.


  • Voor wie:  

          - (post-)doctorale onderzoekers, hogeschool onderzoekers, andere onderzoekers, professoren, clinici, studenten Hogeschool en Universiteit die hun masterproef/bachelorproef of minor doen omtrent diabetes … 

          - Het symposium is gericht op verschillende onderzoeksgebieden: fundamenteel, toegepast, medisch, klinisch, sociaal-psychologisch, leefstijl, preventie ...

  • Wanneer: Woensdag 29 november 2023 van 9u tot 15u30 

  • Waar: Provinciehuis Leuven, Provincieplein 1, 3010 Leuven. Op wandelafstand van station Leuven. Meer informatie over bereikbaarheid: https://www.vlaamsbrabant.be/nl/over-de-provincie/provinciehuis/bereikbaarheid-en-routebeschrijving-provinciehuis.  

  • Mondelinge en posterpresentaties: er is de mogelijkheid om eigen recent onderzoek te presenteren, hetzij via een mondelinge of posterpresentatie. Geïnteresseerde onderzoekers kunnen zich aanmelden met een abstract van hun onderzoek en hun voorkeur aangeven voor een mondelinge of posterpresentatie. Voor de mondelinge presentatie wordt er een selectie gemaakt door Diabetes Liga op basis van kwaliteit van het onderzoek en diversiteit van het onderwerp. Bij niet-selectie voor een mondelinge presentatie wordt een posterpresentatie aangeboden.  

  • Abstract indienen: niet meer mogelijk, alle ingediende abstracten zijn reeds verwerkt. Heb je hier vragen over? Dan kan je terecht bij onderzoek@diabetes.be.

  • Bekendmaking selectie mondelinge presentaties: 8 november 2023 via persoonlijke e-mail. 

  • Deelnameprijs (inclusief catering)

          - € 100 voor professionele leden Diabetes Liga en (doctoraats-)studenten 

          - € 130 voor andere deelnemers (incl. jaarabonnement op Vlaams tijdschrift voor Diabetologie) 

Na inschrijving kan je eenvoudig online betalen.

  • Taal: Engels.  

  • Vragen en/of suggesties: Inge Everaert, 09/ 242 85 41, onderzoek@diabetes.be 

  • Er zullen ook 3 patiëntexperten aanwezig zijn. Maak zeker van hun dagdagelijkse diabeteservaring gebruik om je onderzoek nog beter af te stemmen op de noden van personen met diabetes en hun omgeving.


9:00 - Welcome

9:30 - Introduction by Diabetes Liga

9:35 - Invited speaker: prof. Josefien van Olmen, Speerpunt Volksgezondheid en Eerstelijnszorg, Antwerp University. Topic: Integrated care of diabetes, SCUBY project 

10:20 - 2 Oral presentations

     * Leia Vrancken: MyDIABPAL: development and testing of a self-management support package for patients with pre- and type 2 diabetes. 

     * Jurgen Vercauteren: EDENT1FI: Pioneering Early Detection to Identify and Halt Type 1 Diabetes in Its Tracks 

10:50 - Break + poster presentations (see list below)    

11:30 - Invited speaker: Michelle Hadjiconstantinou, Diabetes Research Center, University of Leicester, UK. Topic: DESMOND program, self-management education for type 2 diabetes

12:15 - 2 Oral presentations

     * Jolien Demeulemeester: First results of the real-world impact and safety of initiation of the Medtronic MiniMedTM 780G in children with type 1 diabetes aged 2-6 years 

     * Pablo Decock: COM-Power: multilingual and culturally sensitive diabetes education   

12:45 - Lunch + poster presentations (see list below)

14:00 - Invited speaker: prof. dr. Frans Pouwer, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark and STENO Diabetes Center Odense, Denmark. Topic: Mental Health and diabetes

14:45 - 3 Oral presentations

     * Danny Volkaerts: Personalized Glycemic Management in Type 1 Diabetes around physical activity: the Smart Diabetes Assistant 

     * Simon Helleputte: Glycaemic management around postprandial exercise in people with type 1 diabetes: Challenge accepted. 

     * Ruben Van Bosseghem: Diabetes & well-being: a 12 week programme for diabetes type 2 self-management.  

15:30 - Closing word

Lijst van poster presentaties

  • Anciaux Riet – 'DIAMENT: Enhancing the approach of healthcare professionals in dealing with the psychosocial needs of patients with diabetes mellitus to improve their quality of life' 
  • De Meulemeester Jolien - ‘Proof-of-concept study for the integration of physical activity into the clinical decision process of physically active people with type 1 diabetes to provide personalized advice’
  • Gojevic Tin - ‘Preventing heart failure with exercise training in persons with type 2 diabetes (PROTECTION): A case study from an ongoing randomized controlled trial in Belgium’ 
  • Janssens Natwarin - ‘COCCOS study: Co-designing a transition program for adolescents and young adults with chronic conditions’  
  • Juton Charlotte - 'Study protocol for the Care4Diabetes program: providing a multidisciplinary lifestyle treatment intervention for type 2 diabetes patients in Wallonia.'
  • Kaes Joyce - ‘How can we make diabetes education more effective and cost efficient by using smart devices and offering remote guidance?’  
  • Lavens Astrid - ‘Metabolic syndrome in people living with type 1 diabetes in Belgium’.  
  • Mbela Lusendi Flora - ‘Development of quality indicators for diabetic foot care: a mixed methods approach’  
  • Stautemas Jan - ‘The effect of diabetic neuropathy on muscle protein synthesis and degradation: a protocol for a cross-sectional study’.  
  • Suchsia Chao - ‘Evolution and determinants of glycaemic control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Belgium: A 10-year period observational real-world study’. 
  • Vanhauwaert Erika - ‘User evaluation of a Flemish carbohydrate counter app: de koolhydraatteller’  
  • Van Offel Steven - ‘In otherwise healthy young men, Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) is significantly lower in case of insulin resistance: an analysis of the SIBLOS study’ 
  • Vercauteren Jurgen - 'Hurdles in daily life adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a phenomenological participatory study' 




The Diabetes League cordially invites you to the 1st Diabetes League Research Symposium on Wednesday 29 November in Leuven! The symposium for and by diabetes researchers in Flanders. 

The main goal of this symposium is to bring together diabetes researchers in Flanders, with the aim of sharing knowledge, forging collaborations and promoting interdisciplinarity. Moreover, we aim to provide (young) researchers with a platform to present their recent research results. 

The symposium is entirely dedicated to the Diabetes League’s annual theme for 2023: “Empowering people with diabetes - a journey beyond medical treatment alone.” This theme can be interpreted in various ways, for example in the areas of lifestyle, education, communication, self-management, technology and mental health. 

Attendees can expect an exciting mix of both national and international keynote speakers, as well as oral and poster presentations (see the full program). All this will be combined with ample opportunities for networking and interaction. 

The registrations have been closed.


  • For whom:  

          - (post-)doctoral researchers, college researchers, other researchers, professors, clinicians, college and university students doing their master’s/bachelor’s thesis or minor regarding diabetes … 

          - The symposium focuses on different research areas: fundamental, applied, medical, clinical, social-psychological, lifestyle, prevention 

  • When: Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. 

  • Where: Provinciehuis Leuven, Provinieplein 1, 3010 Leuven. Within walking distance of Leuven railway station. More information on accessibility: https://www.vlaamsbrabant.be/nl/over-de-provincie/provinciehuis/bereikbaarheid-en-routebeschrijving-provinciehuis.  

  • Oral and poster presentations: There is an opportunity to present own research, either through an oral or poster presentation. Interested researchers can register with an abstract of their research and indicate their preference for an oral or poster presentation. For the oral presentation, a selection will be made by Diabetes League based on quality of research and diversity of topic. If not selected for an oral presentation, a poster presentation will be offered. 

  • Abstract submission: no longer possible. All abstracts have been processed. Do you have questions? You can email us at onderzoek@diabetes.be

  • There will also be 3 patient experts present. Be sure to make use of their day-to-day diabetes experience to further tailor your research to the needs of people with diabetes and their environment.


9:00 - Welcome

9:30 - Introduction by Diabetes Liga

9:35 - Invited speaker: prof. Josefien van Olmen, Speerpunt Volksgezondheid en Eerstelijnszorg, Antwerp University. Topic: Integrated care of diabetes, SCUBY project 

10:20 - 2 Oral presentations

     * Leia Vrancken: MyDIABPAL: development and testing of a self-management support package for patients with pre- and type 2 diabetes. 

     * Jurgen Vercauteren: EDENT1FI: Pioneering Early Detection to Identify and Halt Type 1 Diabetes in Its Tracks 

10:50 - Break + poster presentations (see list below)    

11:30 - Invited speaker: Michelle Hadjiconstantinou, Diabetes Research Center, University of Leicester, UK. Topic: DESMOND program, self-management education for type 2 diabetes

12:15 - 2 Oral presentations

     * Jolien Demeulemeester: First results of the real-world impact and safety of initiation of the Medtronic MiniMedTM 780G in children with type 1 diabetes aged 2-6 years 

     * Pablo Decock: COM-Power: multilingual and culturally sensitive diabetes education   

12:45 - Lunch + poster presentations (see list below)

14:00 - Invited speaker: prof. dr. Frans Pouwer, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark and STENO Diabetes Center Odense, Denmark. Topic: Mental Health and diabetes

14:45 - 3 Oral presentations

     * Danny Volkaerts: Personalized Glycemic Management in Type 1 Diabetes around physical activity: the Smart Diabetes Assistant 

     * Simon Helleputte: Glycaemic management around postprandial exercise in people with type 1 diabetes: Challenge accepted. 

     * Ruben Van Bosseghem: Diabetes & well-being: a 12 week programme for diabetes type 2 self-management.  

15:30 - Closing word

List of poster presentations

  • Anciaux Riet – DIAMENT: Enhancing the approach of healthcare professionals in dealing with the psychosocial needs of patients with diabetes mellitus to improve their quality of life 
  • De Meulemeester Jolien - ‘Proof-of-concept study for the integration of physical activity into the clinical decision process of physically active people with type 1 diabetes to provide personalized advice’
  • Gojevic Tin - ‘Preventing heart failure with exercise training in persons with type 2 diabetes (PROTECTION): A case study from an ongoing randomized controlled trial in Belgium’ 
  • Janssens Natwarin - ‘COCCOS study: Co-designing a transition program for adolescents and young adults with chronic conditions’  
  • Kaes Joyce - ‘How can we make diabetes education more effective and cost efficient by using smart devices and offering remote guidance?’  
  • Lavens Astrid - ‘Metabolic syndrome in people living with type 1 diabetes in Belgium’.  
  • Mbela Lusendi Flora - ‘Development of quality indicators for diabetic foot care: a mixed methods approach’  
  • Stautemans Jan - ‘The effect of diabetic neuropathy on muscle protein synthesis and degradation: a protocol for a cross-sectional study’.  
  • Suchsia Chao - ‘Evolution and determinants of glycaemic control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Belgium: A 10-year period observational real-world study’. 
  • Vanhauwaert Erika - ‘User evaluation of a Flemish carbohydrate counter app: de koolhydraatteller’  
  • Vanoffel Steven - ‘In otherwise healthy young men, Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) is significantly lower in case of insulin resistance: an analysis of the SIBLOS study’ 
  • Vercauteren Jurgen - Hurdles in daily life adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a phenomenological participatory study 

Met de steun van onze partners

Logo Abbott - partner diabetes liga
Logo Dexcom - partner diabetes liga